Our History
Our History
National Airports Corporation (NAC) is a State-owned Company, established under the Civil Aviation Act 2000 (as amended) and incorporated in 2009 under the Company Act 1997.
NAC owns and operates 22 national airports throughout Papua New Guinea (PNG). We are highly capital intensive and technically regulated company. All airports operating under the banner of the NAC are required by law, to operate under minimum safety and security regulatory requirements in compliance with PNG Civil Aviation Rules (CAR) as permitted by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority of PNG (CASA PNG) and conforms to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs).
These national airports are significant enablers for economic and social development in the country and our mission is to ensure we deliver safe and reliable airport services that contribute to the socio-economic development of Papua New Guinea.
Delivering safe and sustainable airport services ties with our National Transportation Strategy and is also a key focus for our business success. Unless an airport is sustainable, delivering safety and reliable services cannot be guaranteed on a continuous basis. Therefore, the fundamental consideration of our business strategy is about making our airports sustainable in the first instance, focusing on effective management of our resources to maximize return on investment. Having airports that are financially sustainable, safe & secure environment with quality infrastructure and competent workforce that drives our operations.
The mandated functions of NAC as an airport operator are:
- Improving, developing, maintaining, operating or managing the 22 national airports or any other airport established by the Minister on his own or as a joint venture;
- Carrying out any business or undertaking carried on in connection with an airport;
- Facilitating and assisting in the establishing of airport authorities;
- Providing aviation security services;
- Providing aviation rescue fire-fighting services;
- Developing for airport related purposes or otherwise, either on its own or with others, any land surplus to the requirements of an airport;
- Entering into license arrangements or joint ventures with a province for that province to establish an airport authority; and
- Entering into leasing or management arrangements with a suitable person or persons, on terms and conditions to be approved by the Minister, for any airport.
As a mandated state aviation entity, NAC’s core business activities involve operating & managing all airports throughout PNG. Our staff numbers have grown from strength to strength since 2009 to what is now. Today, NAC has an active workforce of 700 plus employees all throughout its 22 airports. NAC is one of the biggest and a proud employer that contributes to nation building.
NAC stands strong and will continue to drive aviation development in PNG together with all our partners and stakeholders.