Our Vision, Mission & Core Values

Our Vision

By 2030 we are operating a well-integrated network of sustainable airports in PNG that is delivering operational excellence and meeting our customers and stakeholders’ expectations.

Our Mission

To deliver safe and reliable airport services that contribute to the economic and social development in PNG.

Our Core Values

Safety & Security Providing

Safety and Security for all our stakeholders remains our highest priority as the airport operator in PNG

Customer Focus

We customer-oriented business and give best in our customer service.

Environmentally Friendly

We care for the environment in which we operate.


Showing Respect and Care for one another.

Good Governance

Ensuring good Governance in our business and strict compliance to standard recommended practices.

Integrity & Accountability

Maintaining a high level of Integrity and Accountability in our operations.

Innovation & Creativity

Promoting Innovation and Creativity in our business that drives our business growth.

Healthy Lifestyle

Encouraging Healthy living & lifestyle for our employees.